Welcome to My homepage!

After a long time, i can create my own home page! as you see, this is only the HTML version. I'm still trying to finish my Flash version page, and be sure to take a look at it when i finished it okay!

So, what the hell is Morpheuss homepage all about? To be honest, at first not even me myself know what i want to put in here, but, well, okay, I can let you know some thing about me, and maybe in later time, i can make this homepage more and more specific. I put my own picture on about me page. Taken from my best friend's wedding. (updated 01/21/2000)

Oh, and you can see some of my work - finished, or half finish, or just a sketch - on my work menu. it's mostly consist of corel draw graphic, or just Adobe photoshop image i create on my spare time, not totaly creative, just copy pasting here and there. I just put one of my Flash Macromedia work here, a Birthday Cards for my special one. (updated 01/19/01)

And what i've become now, is also because of my friends, hics, you're great guys! You can see them on my community. thanks guys! (updated 01/14/01)

My special Page added, it is dedicated to someone I really love, my special one (updated 01/21/01)

And if you want to contact me or anything you can find it all on my contact page. don't forget to sign in my guest book!



sign my guest book

created by Morpheuss on January 2001. santoso86@hotmail.com